Civil Defense & Emergency Management


 Code Red

Goodhue Co. site will notify the entire County of any impending dangers within Goodhue County.

 Down Power Lines

Stay Away and call 911

 Local Flood Maps (2020 Update Coming)

In a flood emergency Pine Island Citizens can contact the City of Pine Island Emergency Operations Center for sandbags, sand and other equipment. These are free to PI citizens if deemed an emergency. 507-356-4951

  • River monitors The Pine Island system has 9 monitors over 4 Counties that monitor rain amounts and river heights. This website is free to the public.
  • Local rivers are routinely kept clear of trees and debris by the Public Works Department.


The 9 Pine Island storm sirens are set off by the Olmsted County EOC. Olmsted County is in contact with the National Weather Service, Pine Island Fire Department. storm watchers and the local ham operator storm chasers. Olmsted County will notify Pine Island if we are specifically in any danger by setting off the local sirens.

 Storm Shelter

The PI Civil Defense and the local St. Paul’s Lutheran church have set up supplies in the church 214 3rd St. SW, in case of a storm event stranding residence or motorists. Contact City Hall or the Sheriff’s office for help.

Royal Court storm shelter is located at the Pine Haven Community. Residents are instructed to go to the employee entrance at the back of the building and ring the doorbell, A Pine Haven employee will let you in. Residents of Royal Court will be instructed to go to the hallway outside the break room and the 104 lounge.  

 Street blockages

Public Works will clear fallen debris blocking streets.

Home owners are responsible for trees and debris on personal property.