
Pet Licenses

Dogs and cats within the City of Pine Island are required to be licensed each year. Each license tag has a unique number to identify the guardians of lost pets. People who find a tagged animal can call City Hall to identify and reunite the pet with its guardians. Download the City's ordinance regarding animals Chapter 10.4

All pet licenses expire on May 31st. Applications for license renewal are available from City Hall at least 30 days prior to expiration of the license.

A license is valid only when the required veterinarian's rabies vaccination certificate is current and a copy is provided to the City. The annual charge for a pet license is $10.00 for altered (females are spayed; males are neutered) animals and $20.00 for unaltered animals.

Chickens are only allowed with an approved chicken permit application and inspection. The City of Pine Island does not allow animals designated as farm animals within the residential zoned areas of the City.